Booking form

Booking form

Booking form
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Would you like to add any under-18s from your profile to this booking ?
ⓘ These juniors must already be added to your profile.
Would you like to add someone else to your booking ? *
ⓘ This person will also need to be registered on the website


Food & accommodation

In your User profile you have indicated that you will always join the communal meal on Saturday night. If this incorrect please amend in your profile and then return to the Booking form.

In your User profile you have indicated that you will always organise your own food on Saturday night. If this incorrect please amend in your profile and then return to the Booking form.

Would you like to eat with the communal meal on Saturday night ?

Saturday night food:
In your User profile you have not yet indicated a preference about Saturday night food. Please update your profile and then return to the Booking form.

Bunkhouse accommodation:
In your User profile you have indicated that you will always stay at the bunkhouse. If this incorrect please amend in your profile and then return to the Booking form.

Bunkhouse accommodation:
In your User profile you have indicated that you will always organise your own accommodation. If this incorrect please amend in your profile and then return to the Booking form.

Would you like to stay in the bunkhouse ?
Which nights do you need a bed in the bunkhouse ?

Bunkhouse accommodation:
In your User profile you have not yet indicated a preference about staying in the bunkhouse. Please update your profile and then return to the Booking form

Which days would you like to paddle ?

To secure your place please make a payment to the following account:

GJ Coaching Limited

Mettle Bank

Please note this is Business account.

Sort code 04-03-33

Account number 67592612

Please use this reference: